Renewables & Green Initiatives

Renewables & Green Initiatives2025-01-17T13:39:33+00:00

What kind of Jersey – what kind of world – will we leave to our children? I care passionately about the environment, and have championed renewable energy and green initiatives in the States for many years.

In addition to voting for Jersey’s commitment to reducing its net greenhouse emissions to zero, I have taken practical measures to support us becoming a greener and less-polluted island. I secured funding to kickstart the Eastern Cycle Network, and introduced a Planning policy to generate contributions to it. I have also backed free bus travel for children and the introduction of through-fares in an attempt to encourage the use of public transport.

In 2017 Jersey Electricity announced it would introduce a charge on the commercial renewable energy sector. This would have deterred any independent commercial investment in renewables, and could have destroyed jobs in fledgling businesses in that sector. I lodged and won a Proposition for the Stand-by Charge to be reviewed, for the Jersey Electricity Laws to be up-dated, and for policies to encourage renewable energy initiatives.

There is still much to be done. Jersey Electricity is majority owned by the States – by you – and ought to be taking the lead in helping us switch to greener energy. Someone from Government should certainly sit on its Board alongside its private sector shareholders, representing Islanders’ best and wider interests. We also need to incentivise Islanders to switch to greener fuel in their cars and homes, and better insulation installations in their homes. Most people want to do the right thing, but with the cost of living rising sharply help is needed to achieve that.

Globally, Jersey needs to continue to do its bit. I’m proud that our Overseas Aid programme is currently protecting and regenerating forests and national parks in Africa and Asia, and helpingthousands of the world’s poorest stop using unsustainable timber in dirty cooking stoves. And locally, we must get the cycle network extended as a genuine alternative to getting to work by car in the fuming rush-hour gridlock. This Government has now lodged a Roadmap for Climate Change and Carbon Neutrality.

There is much to do.

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