
St Martin – Field MN714

As some will already know, I am pursuing the render of a good agricultural field (MN714) in St. Martin from the dump it has become, back into a field. The owner has accumulated and is now ‘storing’ a menagerie of

April 21, 2024|Categories: Grouville & St. Martin, Parish Communities|Tags: , |

St Martin Community Support Group Volunteers Needed

One of my election pledges was to set up a Community Support Group in St Martin as we have in Grouville. I set up the service in Grouville about 10 years ago and it is a valued support and comfort

April 21, 2024|Categories: Grouville & St. Martin, Parish Communities|Tags: , , |

Lieutenant Governor hears how Jersey is tackling malnutrition in Africa

Last week, Lieutenant Governor, Vice-Admiral Jerry Kyd, visited Jersey Overseas Aid (JOA) to find out more about how Jersey is tackling malnutrition in Africa.

By Rod McLoughlin JEP Jan ‘2024

THE Island’s approach to helping sustain some of the world’s poorest countries

January 18, 2024|Categories: JOA Jersey Overseas Aid|Tags: , , |

Island Identity – information packs

Earlier this year, I supplied each of the Constables with the template of information to be given to new Parishioners to their Parishes. The ideas was to give a general Island piece of information that they could expand and individualise

September 27, 2023|Categories: Island Identity|Tags: , |

High Housing Costs impinging on our identity

Article: Rod McLoughlin
International Relations Minister: Carolyn Labey

International Relations Minister Carolyn Labey is reviewing contributions to the ongoing consultation on Island identity, and said to-date there had been ‘quite a good response’. The strength of

September 25, 2023|Categories: Island Identity|Tags: , |

2023 3rd Africa Jersey Cattle Bureau Conference

June 2023 Visit to Zambia and Malawi to host the Africa Jersey Cattle Bureau Conference with the RJA & HS.

Renewable Energy and Green Initiatives

The headline results of the Future Jersey 2017 – 2037 document under the section, ‘what do Islanders want to see most change into the future?’ set out the following as concerns and aspirations of Islanders who took part in the

September 18, 2023|Categories: Renewables|Tags: , , , , |

Grouville Community Support Group

A few years ago the Deputy of Grouville, Carolyn Labey, pledged to set up a Community Support Group in the Parish. She felt that with the transfer of the Welfare System from the Parishes to the Social Security department, the

September 3, 2023|Categories: Community Support Groups, Parish Communities|Tags: , |



A Grouville Community and Networking group for Women in this Parish.
by Deputy Carolyn Labey

September 3, 2023|Categories: Grouville & St. Martin, Parish Communities|Tags: , , |

Ukraine National Day 24 August 2023

My speech given on 24th August, 2023 at Jersey Museum to a full auditorium to mark Ukraine’s National Day

Today is a day of great significance, not only for Ukraine but for all those who champion the ideals of freedom and

September 3, 2023|Categories: International Development, JOA Jersey Overseas Aid|Tags: , |

Les Grouvelles States Assembly Visit

I arranged a visit to the States Assembly in June for the politically interested members of Les Grouvelles. Many thanks to the Greffier Lisa Hart who explained some of its history and procedures. Thanks also to Stuart Andersen who kindly

September 3, 2023|Categories: Grouville & St. Martin, Parish Communities|Tags: , |

News Update – Gazettes Summer 2023

My Article in Les Nouvelles de St Martin and the Grouville Gazettes 2023

As you read this article we will have all long since celebrated the Coronation in May. I must say that during the Saturday and day of the Coronation

2023 News report from Malawi

Mary Kachepa

Fisheries and Livestock Minister MAKOZO CHIKOTE says dairy farming is an important Livestock undertaking that can significantly contribute to food security and economic growth.

Speaking at during the launch of Jersey Breed focused Diary

June 30, 2023|Categories: International Development|Tags: , , |

Jersey cow ‘second most popular in the world’

A CONFERENCE which discusses the importance of the Jersey cow in African farming communities is due to take place in Malawi this month. 

International Development Minister Carolyn Labey will be speaking at the African Jersey Forum Conference,

June 28, 2023|Categories: International Development|Tags: , , |
Carolyn Labey politician Jersey

Next Parish Surgery

St Catherines Cafe

Parish Surgery- St Catherine’s Cafe

November 4 @ 10:00 am - 11:30 am

First Impressions of the States Assembly as the longest serving female Deputy

Jersey’s Island Identity

Read more about this project on the Island Identity page

Liberation Day Speech during States sitting.

My personal Liberation Day message during Covid.


I chair the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Jersey branch – read more about our work on the Young People and Equality page.

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