Our 2023 visit to Zambia & Malawi
Zambia milk collective
Since my last article earlier this summer, I have travelled to remote areas of Africa where my role as Minister for International Development and Chair of Jersey Overseas Aid took me to farms and milk collection centres to monitor and evaluate some of our Dairy projects in Zambia and Malawi.
I was greeted by farmers, most of whom were from female headed households, who JOA support through our Dairy projects. I was able to see and hear first-hand how our projects are changing lives by providing farmers with calves through the artificial insemination programmes, which we partner with the RJA & HS and can therefore add value by drawing from Jersey’s expertise. The milk produced not only provides an income but also nutrition for the farmers families, which in turn enables children to attend school instead of having to forage for food; thus giving future generations greater opportunities for the future.
The visit also included meeting the Minister for Agriculture in Malawi for the first time (albeit at 7am on one Sunday morning) and officially launching JOA’s first Dairy project in Zambia after having signed the MOU with their Minister last year. The event was adorned with the most flamboyant and talented African dancers which we were privileged and honoured to be a part of.
To end the very busy schedule, I spoke at the third bi-annual ‘Africa-Jersey Forum’ in Malawi which the World Cattle Bureau and their Chair, Steve Le Feuvre had organised and where one of our greatest ambassadors – the Jersey Cow – played centre stage. The visit to both Zambia and Malawi was reported in the National media in each of those countries. Jersey is on the map!
Professionally, the Dairy projects are one of JOA’s flagship sustainable development programmes, which I am extremely proud to be involved in; but on a personal level coming from a farming background, where on my paternal side, my Great-Uncle William J Labey was one of the four Dairy breeders who set up the world-renowned Jersey Herd Book (the other farmers being John A Perrée, Philip J Ahier and John G Buesnel) and on my maternal side, my Danish Great-Grandfather took the first breed of Jersey cattle to Denmark and my Grandfather later amalgamated all 7 dairies which operated in Jersey at the time, into the co-operative of the Jersey Milk Marketing Board which oversaw the building of the then Dairy at Five Oaks. I therefore feel my work with JOA and our Dairy projects in Africa is somehow building on these foundations.
Anyway, I always feel that a picture speaks a thousand words and so give you these few snaps of JOA’s work in Zambia and Malawi:
Since my return, other International Development events have included marking Ukraine’s National Day on 24th August at the Jersey Museum with an evening where JOA and the Jersey International Culture Centre (JICC) welcomed Uliana Yersanka from the Ukraine, along with Ben Remfrey, the ex-military Guernseyman who set up a charity to train people – mainly women – in bomb disposal. Jersey has now given £3.4 million – one of the highest per capita in the world – to help the people of Ukraine defend freedom and humanity.
We continued this theme in January when we welcomed Colonel Tim Collins OBE and the Friends of Ukraine to the Arts Centre where we enjoyed hearing both Tim and Ben speak to the audience and interact with a question and answer session.
The Jersey International Cultural Centre (JICC) is something which was set up in response to a recommendation in the Island Identity report. It’s purpose is to provide a hub for information about the Island and to organise events which help co-ordinate the diverse communities in the Island.
Education about the Island
Another Island Identity recommendation which I have taken on with the States Greffe, is to facilitate the education of our young people about their Island – its history, constitution, economy, culture, etc. the resources are not only provided for our students but the hope is they will be used by front-line staff, Civil Servants and indeed any business or sportsperson person representing the Island. Please visit the Islandidentity.je website where material can be downloaded in all these subjects and more, including the fantastically animated version of Jersey’s history in 10 minutes by John-Henry Falle.
St. Martin
Community Support Group – Volunteers needed
One of my election pledges was to set up a Community Support Group in St Martin as we have done in Grouville. I set up the service in Grouville about 10 years ago and it is a valued support and comfort to our Community. I am working with the Constable and others to first seek volunteers and once all the formalities have been gone through we shall be advertising the service. If you want to know more please get in touch with me or put your name down at the Public Hall office and we shall call a meeting once we have a few names after the Autumn magazine publication.
Field MN714
As some will already know, I am pursuing the render of a good agricultural field (MN714) in St. Martin from the dump it has become back into a field. The owner has accumulated and is now ‘storing’ a menagerie of items on the field. It is not only an eyesore but also a health hazard with the increase of vermin in the area. The Environment & Planning Department have been alerted to this practice for sometime and I will continue to pursue it in the hope of some action being taken by those responsible, as it is the neighbours who have to suffer the consequences of the current situation.
After a summer of disrupted roads and diversions, a bold directive is needed to provide certainty and safety. As a resident of one of the lanes facilitating the diversions, we have welcomed the long awaited 20mph speed limit. I have long-since held the view (and made it to those responsible) that all Island lanes/Parish Roads should have a speed limit of 20mph and all other roads 30mph. The only two roads in the Island in my opinion which warrant 40mph, are Victoria Avenue and the Five Mile Road. I shall continue to pursue this, along with licenses for all road users including bikes and electric scooters.
If you would like to discuss these or any other issues, please come along to one of the monthly Parish Surgeries (dates and times published on this website), or alternatively you can contact me by telephone: 852488 or email: c.labey@gov.je
Representing our Parish, Island and International Communities