
Last chance to apply for an aid trip overseas

By Jack Lister jlister@jerseyeveningpost.com

ISLANDERS have until next week to volunteer for ‘the fantastic opportunity’ to take part in one of the Jersey Overseas Aid projects planned for this year.

Of the three projects planned

January 30, 2023|Categories: JOA Jersey Overseas Aid|Tags: , |

First Impressions of the States Assembly

By Carolyn Labey
Deputy of Grouville & St Martin
Minister for International Development

The first sitting of a new States Assembly is like starting a new school year (and yes I can just about remember it!). There are some familiar faces and a

December 12, 2022|Categories: Government|Tags: , , |

Welcome to the World of Politics

By Deputy Carolyn Labey

Since writing my last article in the aftermath of the General Election swiftly followed by the States Assembly elections appointing the Ministerial and Scrutiny posts, as well as all the Committees, Panels, Commissions, Forums and focus group

Grouville & St. Martin

My core stance to the Electorate which has seen me through 20 years so far is ‘Community – be that at Parish, Island or International level’, when I consider issues I always come back to it and think is it

August 23, 2022|Categories: Grouville & St. Martin, Parish Communities|Tags: |

A big Thank You and the Election Aftermath

Dear Electors of Grouville and St Martin

A very big thank you for electing me as Deputy of Grouville & St Martin in June, 2022. I am truly humbled to have been chosen to represent not only Grouville but St Martin

August 15, 2022|Categories: 2022 Elections, Grouville & St. Martin|Tags: |

Twas the night before…. Polling Day 2022

From Liberation Day to the Summer Solstice on my Election Campaign During the “Election 2022” campaign for Deputy of Grouville and St Martin, (the Eastern District 9 if one must), my Manifesto was delivered to every household across both parishes.

June 21, 2022|Categories: 2022 Elections|Tags: , |

“I’m in the running”

Carolyn Labey, the Deputy of Grouville and Minister for International Development, announced today that she will stand in the forthcoming election as Deputy for the newly-combined constituency of St Martin and Grouville.

As well as representing her constituents since 2002, Deputy Carolyn Labey has taken a leading role in numerous community-based and Island-wide initiatives. These include chairing the Covid Community Task Force, Jersey’s Commonwealth Parliamentary Association and the Youth Assembly. As well as establishing and continuing to be involved with various initiatives like the Grouville Gazette, the Community Support Group, regular Parish Surgeries and Les Grouvelles in her parish.

May 17, 2022|Categories: 2022 Elections|Tags: , , |

Minister visits Poland amid humanitarian crisis


Jersey’s Minister for International Development, Deputy Carolyn Labey, visited Eastern Poland on Wednesday to follow up Jersey’s humanitarian support for the people of Ukraine.

In a warehouse near the border, she inspected medical trauma kits and oxygen concentrators like the ones

April 16, 2022|Categories: International Development|Tags: , , |

Jersey’s Conservation Livelihoods development strategy conference

Experts from around the world come together to discuss Jersey’s Conservation Livelihoods development strategy

April 13th 2022: Jersey Overseas Aid (JOA) hosted a two-day conference, ‘Shaping the Future of Conservation Livelihoods Funding Together’.

The event, which was hosted virtually from Durrell’s headquarters

April 16, 2022|Categories: International Development|Tags: , , |

28 April 2022 JOA “Future of Volunteering” Network Event

The Future of Volunteering- 50th Anniversary of JOA’s CWP Event

Jersey Overseas Aid would like to invite islanders to join the first Jersey International Development Network event of the year – ‘The Future of Volunteering’ in celebration of the 50th anniversary

April 16, 2022|Categories: International Development|Tags: , , |
Carolyn Labey politician Jersey

Next Parish Surgery

St Catherines Cafe

Parish Surgery- St Catherine’s Cafe

June 2 @ 10:00 am - 11:30 am

First Impressions of the States Assembly as the longest serving female Deputy

Jersey’s Island Identity

Read more about this project on the Island Identity page

Liberation Day Speech during States sitting.

My personal Liberation Day message during Covid.


I chair the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Jersey branch – read more about our work on the Young People and Equality page.

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