
Lieutenant Governor hears how Jersey is tackling malnutrition in Africa

Last week, Lieutenant Governor, Vice-Admiral Jerry Kyd, visited Jersey Overseas Aid (JOA) to find out more about how Jersey is tackling malnutrition in Africa.

2024-12-17T11:39:07+00:00January 18, 2024|Categories: JOA Jersey Overseas Aid|Tags: , , |

Ukraine National Day 24th August

In the summer of 2023 we marked Ukraines National Day on 24th August at the Jersey Museum with an evening where JOA and the Jersey International Culture Centre (JICC) welcomed Uliana Yersanka from the Ukraine, along with Ben Remfrey, the ex-military Guernseyman who set up a charity to train people

2024-04-19T16:18:14+00:00October 24, 2023|Categories: JOA Jersey Overseas Aid|Tags: , |

Island Identity – information packs

Earlier this year, I supplied each of the Constables with the template of information to be given to new Parishioners to their Parishes. The ideas was to give a general Island piece of information that they could expand and individualise in each Parish.

I would be interested to hear what you

2024-04-17T18:41:32+00:00September 27, 2023|Categories: Island Identity|Tags: , |

Renewable Energy and Green Initiatives

The headline results of the Future Jersey 2017 – 2037 document under the section, ‘what do Islanders want to see most change into the future?’ set out the following as concerns and aspirations of Islanders who took part in the Survey.

    • Jersey has secure, affordable and sustainable
2024-04-21T14:51:19+00:00September 18, 2023|Categories: Renewables|Tags: , , , , |
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