
Island Identity – information packs

Earlier this year, I supplied each of the Constables with the template of information to be given to new Parishioners to their Parishes. The ideas was to give a general Island piece of information that they could expand and individualise in each Parish.

I would be interested to hear what you

2024-04-17T18:41:32+00:00September 27, 2023|Categories: Island Identity|Tags: , |

High Housing Costs impinging on our identity

Article: Rod McLoughlin
International Relations Minister: Carolyn Labey

International Relations Minister Carolyn Labey is reviewing contributions to the ongoing consultation on Island identity, and said to-date there had been ‘quite a good response’. The strength of the Island’s cultural sector, the environment and importance of teaching

2024-04-17T18:41:32+00:00September 25, 2023|Categories: Island Identity|Tags: , |

2023 3rd Africa Jersey Cattle Bureau Conference

June 2023 Visit to Zambia and Malawi to host the Africa Jersey Cattle Bureau Conference with the RJA & HS.

Renewable Energy and Green Initiatives

The headline results of the Future Jersey 2017 – 2037 document under the section, ‘what do Islanders want to see most change into the future?’ set out the following as concerns and aspirations of Islanders who took part in the Survey.

    • Jersey has secure, affordable and sustainable
2024-04-21T14:51:19+00:00September 18, 2023|Categories: Renewables|Tags: , , , , |

Grouville Community Support Group

A few years ago the Deputy of Grouville, Carolyn Labey, pledged to set up a Community Support Group in the Parish. She felt that with the transfer of the Welfare System from the Parishes to the Social Security department, the Parishes lost a certain amount of contact with parishioners who

2024-04-24T20:47:08+00:00September 3, 2023|Categories: Community Support Groups, Parish Communities|Tags: , |



A Grouville Community and Networking group for Women in this Parish.
by Deputy Carolyn Labey

2024-04-17T18:41:34+00:00September 3, 2023|Categories: Grouville & St. Martin, Parish Communities|Tags: , , |

Ukraine National Day 24 August 2023

My speech given on 24th August, 2023 at Jersey Museum to a full auditorium to mark Ukraine’s National Day

Today is a day of great significance, not only for Ukraine but for all those who champion the ideals of freedom and humanity.
As we gather to celebrate Ukraine’s Independence Day, we reflect

2024-04-17T18:41:34+00:00September 3, 2023|Categories: International Development, JOA Jersey Overseas Aid|Tags: , |
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